Upcoming SCOTUS cases: 2/19 Conference
MI- https://www.supremecourt.gov/search.aspx?filename=/docket/docketfiles/html/public/20-815.html (Powell)
GA- https://www.supremecourt.gov/search.aspx?filename=/docket/docketfiles/html/public/20-799.html (Wood)
PA- https://www.supremecourt.gov/search.aspx?filename=/docket/docketfiles/html/public/20-845.html (Trump)
WI- https://www.supremecourt.gov/search.aspx?filename=/docket/docketfiles/html/public/20-882.html (Trump)
2/26 Conference
WI - https://www.supremecourt.gov/search.aspx?filename=/docket/docketfiles/html/public/20-859.html (Powell)
AZ- https://www.supremecourt.gov/search.aspx?filename=/docket/docketfiles/html/public/20-858.html (Powell)
I knew today would be so distracting, I called out sick. No chance I would get any work done today.
Wtf!? Go back to TDW you hateful bastard.
Train people better, screen better, have empathy (life always comes before work). You literally just suck at your job. Crying that you suck at running your business is not going to do you any good. Quit blamming others, work harder and smarter. This is whats holding you back from being successful.