So when talking to people who identify as LEFT. I found another way to help with red pilling people.
I tell people the reason why I am center/right. Is because of POWER.
As you move over to the left. What you are really saying is that you want POWER to be transferred over to the state.
As you move over to the right. What you area really saying is that you want POWER to be transferred over to the people.
After I state this.
I ask them a question.
Why should I TRUST power to the state? When they can FORCE you to comply at GUNPOINT?
You cannot undo a law as easily as you think.
This tends to get them to think differently.
That is really excellent. I have heard to it’s the different between wanting big Government that tells you want to do or small government that lets you make decisions for yourself. “Do you like to make decisions for yourself or do you want the government to make decisions for you?”
The thing is that liberals believe they are intellectually and morally superior to everyone else.
They also believe in the greater good.
So if they know best and their modus operandi is the greater good, then they know what's best for everyone.
Their goal with government is to take control so everyone has to do it their way, which they believe is the best outcome. They believe I forced vaccinations because they get vaccinated and unless the government mandates it, people are too stupid to get it.
Remember, this is the party that believes they are the saviors of non-whites who are too dumb to know how to vote and don't have internet access while calling everyone else racist.
In my worldview, I'm an atheist. I can happily co-exist with Ron Paul because I believe he has a right to his religion because I have a right to mine, and vice versa. We respect each other's right to sovereignty.
That basic agreement isn't an option in liberals worldview. It's their way or our way. To see this in action, try explaining to a socialist how you have zero problems with voluntary collectivism (non-government mandated social cooperation). They only believe in the false dichotomy that the government enforces it with violence or they can't do it.
These people are really dumb.
I agree with you. For those people who wanted it THEIR WAY and only THEIR WAY. The only thing that can be done is to call them out. To say something like.
LOOK...You are an AUTHORITIAN that think you are better than me. No need to continue on talking. Take Care.