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I love how others getting the vaccine makes me protected.
Win win situation! haha
Thanks Dr. Fauci. This one is a keeper.
I mean it does. Also people around you getting sick.
Herd immunity was always a combination of vaccinated and recovered people, yet for some reason they kept changing definitions in the quiet darkness of night
Sure. The common sense side of it is what amazes me that Fauci and others have ignored until this admission. In the beginning they needed every person on the planet vaccinated. Then the pushback happened so now the new story is just herd immunity if many/most are vaccinated, not every person.
Either way, I'm out. That thing has F'd up too many people for me to expose myself, let alone the 99.9x% recovery rate and readily available medications.
Nope. Not this cowboy.
Damn, what people has it f'ed up?
Google the facial paralysis, "false positives" for HIV post vaccination, deaths in Norway and Australia.