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Wow. People forget what he really looked like.
Aging and plastic surgery explain most of these differences.
Onset of dementia also means his expression will be duller which can also affect our perception of his appearance.
Finally, I know it’s the same guy because he has weird dents on each the side of his forehead at the side of his eyes as if forceps were used on his skull when he was delivered at birth.
Same guy.
Why don’t we all focus on evidence that are clearly obvious like fences around our capital in the presence of military in Washington DC.
Different teeth
Yeah Hunters Biden’s teeth look rather different today too. If I had $20,000 I could have my teeth look entirely different by next week.
He already had a mouthful of fixed teeth
When you are a narcissist and you have a shit ton of money you will spend it on making yourself looking better even if it makes you look weird.
Example Case: Michael Jackson
Ran this photo through this site https://www.betaface.com/demo.html according to the site its and 80% match . try it out on others
I mean he’s probably had a huge facelift
He has had more than one surgery...
Which left him with a more pronounced smile wrinkle?
Why does everyone forget that potatopotus had a face lift? That is why he looks so goofy. Goofy, however, is an improvement over looking like a mean-spirited son of a bitch.
It would be interesting to run HRC and her body double through to see how much they match up.
ok so I ran this photo https://i.ytimg.com/vi/MYq3iWSGmDo/maxresdefault.jpg 79%-86% match according to this website
Hmmm...it would now be interesting to take two photos that you are 100% sure are the same person and see what the percentage is. Being off by 15-20% is puzzling.
ok I took these three photos , current trump , trump 90's , and alex baldwin on snl doing trump and compared them to the current trump photo . trump 90's photo got 84.3%, alex got 66% so that gives some idea on the accuracy of the soft ware . here are links to photos used : [Trump current] https://im.rediff.com/news/2020/nov/12trump.jpg [Trump 90's] http://cdn.newsapi.com.au/image/v1/50b3174d93f88538da27a61bc6621287 [Alex Baldwin Snl Trump] https://cdn3.movieweb.com/i/article/Z1bvTm4tjdBCEKMsbcX0WMVI0MmLni/1200:100/Snl-Trump-Covid-19.jpg
Good work, fren! That was fast!
I was thinking the same thing but was searching for a photo like I ran for Joe , haven't had any luck yet finding one
Here's a couple:
first link 86.4% , second link 80% . Not sure the accuracy of this site, but might be helpful tool
It's probably the closest thing we have right now to determining whether body doubles are being used or not.
It's a different guy. Facial proportions are wrong, ears are different, nose is entirely different shape, and what can't be seen in these photos is that crooked uneven smile he has.
And facelifts don't account for all of those differences
Facelifts can account for some things but it won't change bony structure.
Look at the width of the nose bridge between his eyes. And the "bend" in the cartilage mid-nose, then the cartilage at the end of his nose. A facelift is not rhinoplasty.
Facelifts do not fix muscular imbalances that caused his crooked smile. This new ventriloquist dummy has a very even and incredibly creepy smile, with no involvement of his eyes. Now, a facelift could cause the latter part, but so can a prosthetic.
Also, Biden had a strong chin and jawline (as much as I hate the man, he had physical "presence" in his facial features). Again, a facelift will not diminish his jawline or jutting chin. This guy had none..and age does not diminish that as drastically as you think.
You simply cannot use "hairline" as a baseline. That's the easiest to change or replicate.
And lastly, the height of his ears is different, where the line from the lateral corner of his eyes intersects the anterior aspect of his ear.
You can see your similarities, I can see the differences. I'm going to leave it at that.
Ya his ear lobes are now attached. Does face stretching do that?
I do know that in the elderly, the ears and the nose are the the parts of the face that can continue to grow and change. Now add in a series of freakish plastic surgeries that Joe’s ego has forced him to get. Finally his brain is oatmeal and does not control his face the same way that he used to.
And cleft chin on the new Biden
Just to play devils advocate check out these plastic surgery faces. Things dont always come out right. The weekend looks horrific. https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=weekend+before+and+after+plastic+surgery&id=8EA181A5E540F19649F4303FC2F519905E5612D1&form=IQFRBA&first=1&disoverlay=1
A few hollywood fails. https://www.betrendsetter.com/plastic-surgery-gone-wrong/
Another user posted this damning video of his teeth
Crookerie going on
Never mind the teeth, what's with the three nostrils? @0:11 and onwards.. the left nostril gets quite funky.
Good catch. I'm guessing realtime CGI going wonky.
Looks like a completely different person