Michael_Golfer 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’ve actually seen a lot of the opposite. I know quite a few people who got the vax but have no intention of getting the booster or ever getting another vax again.

However, I never made a strong push to get them not to take the vax. I just said I’m not worried about getting Covid and that I simply don’t want to take the first ever mRNA vaccine without knowing any potential long term side effects. I think people are more open to sharing their experiences with me versus the people who tried to shove massive redpills down their esophagus with stuff like the globalist depopulation agenda.

Michael_Golfer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Someone posted something from a gay subreddit not too long ago about the latest change of the pride flag and it was very eye opening. The comments were almost exactly as you described. Many of the commenters were upset that their pride flag hardly represents gay people anymore - now there’s a brown stripe that represents black oppression…

I honestly felt bad for them. It seemed like a lot of them simply were just gay and weren’t the crazy progressive liberals. It makes me think it’s part of the globalist agenda to smear the gay community by making them out to all be progressive liberals and hated by “normal” people. Similar to how they are using BLM to promote racial tension between blacks and whites.

Michael_Golfer 2 points ago +2 / -0

And then all the lefty states count their votes behind closed doors and then they just so happen to have 10 conservatives and no liberals on their lists. I’m sure the lefties would love this idea.

Michael_Golfer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is there any scientific/mathematical evidence that supports this theory?

Does the theory suggest that other planets are hollow or just earth?

I generally have an open mind to things but the hollow earth theory is too fantastical for me. There are just so many alternate explanations the theory needs to have to explain how our earth actually works.

How does the theory explain earth’s gravity if it’s hollow? What about earth’s mass and density?

If it suggests earth has a much lighter mass then why isn’t earth being pulled closer to the sun? If it suggests earth has the same mass then shouldn’t we see evidence of earth’s crust being incredibly dense?

How does it explain tectonic plates, earthquakes, and volcanoes? What about our magnetic poles?

Maybe the theory has an explanation for all of these things but I have a very difficult time getting on board with a theory that defies our scientific research in so many ways.

With that being said, I’m much more open to theories about the moon. The moon is essential to the way things work on earth and it’s incredible how the moon almost exactly matches to the size of the sun during an eclipse. I am certainly open to theories that suggest the moon was intentionally formed/placed by an advanced civilization.

Michael_Golfer 1 point ago +2 / -1

Not everyone who was vaccinated was ok with the vax being forced on people. Many were opposed to it. They simply believed it was safe. Trump has repeatedly supported the vaccines.

My parents got their shots and they were never supportive of forced vaccinations. They are very conservative and they believed that if Trump was supportive of the vaccines and if their doctors recommended it then it was safe enough for them to take it. They didn’t know any better. But now they realize how ineffective they are and will not be getting any booster shots.

Michael_Golfer 4 points ago +4 / -0

The general consensus of the vaccine is certainly shifting. I personally know a lot of people who got the vaccine when it first came out and now they have no plans of getting a booster. And most people simply aren’t afraid of Covid anymore when they were in the past. It’s becoming a lot easier for people to see how covid is used for political gain. People are waking up!

Michael_Golfer 9 points ago +9 / -0

Absolutely they realize it. I know some people who are behaving very similarly.

If they stop masking and pushing the vax now they are essentially admitting they were wrong. They dug themselves into such a deep hole that they can’t back out now. They are committed to it even though they don’t even believe it anymore.

It feels like it’s slowly shifting though. Sooner or later the people still wearing masks are going to look like the crazy ones.

Michael_Golfer 1 point ago +1 / -0

That’s fine. I hope you’re right. I’m just not seeing it.

988 doesn’t relate to GME or the stock market at all. Because it says “BIG month” that means it relates to GME and the MOASS, even though the month Q referred to in that post was April?

If you can make that large of a leap in logic then you can make nearly every Q post relate to GME in some way.

And FWIW I wouldn’t get your hopes up that the split is going to cause the MOASS. It’s not meant to. If a hedge fund is naked short 1 share, now they will be naked short 4 shares. GameStop is by no means the first company to issue a stock split via a dividend.

The only thing that has truly forced shorts to close is when Overstock issued a crypto dividend that had no cash equivalent. If RC wants to force the MOASS it will be via an NFT dividend, in my opinion.

Michael_Golfer 3 points ago +3 / -0

Look I certainly think GameStop is a part of the plan, but I think this is quite a stretch connecting these posts.

Turning the 6 upside down? MOASS done in 3? 9+8+8=16? If you have to start bending the meanings like this it should be your first sign that they aren’t connected.

Michael_Golfer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you. Good to know.

Michael_Golfer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, maybe he could have. I’m simply giving another alternative reason why Hunter would do this. I’m not suggesting either reason is right or wrong.

Michael_Golfer 3 points ago +4 / -1

I’d expect to hear about them on this board. Maybe they’ve been here and I’ve just missed them but regardless I haven’t seen anything here.

I’m not saying it isn’t happening, maybe it is. I just haven’t seen it being reported in places like this where I would expect to see it.

Michael_Golfer 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thanks. I’ll look into it.

Michael_Golfer 14 points ago +14 / -0

Shouldn’t there also be many vaccinated passengers dying? I haven’t heard of many cases of this happening.

I don’t disagree that a vaccinated pilot is much more dangerous than an unvaccinated pilot but this seems like it’s a little exaggerated IMO.

Michael_Golfer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Could also be used for blackmail for JB to keep Hunter involved in the corrupt businesses. No blackmail then JB disowns him and no involvement in their international crime.

Michael_Golfer 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s a drug that’s supposed to be used for sleep and sedation but it’s abuses as a drug that gets people high.

If you’ve seen the Wolf of Wall Street there’s a scene where they take Quaaludes.

Michael_Golfer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Whether you like Elon or not he is certainly waking people up about Twitter.

Michael_Golfer 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just realized that this posts just say “FED” versus “the FED”.

Is FED possibly an acronym for something?

Michael_Golfer 17 points ago +17 / -0

I don’t understand. How is the xvideos part related to the pizza guy underneath? And how these related to Hunter Biden?

Michael_Golfer 4 points ago +4 / -0

That’s the joke of this post and the giveaway that this is satire. I’ve seen the joke used before about drug busts where they find $5 million in cash and 100 kilos of cocaine and by the end it’s $500k cash and 2 kilos of cocaine.

Michael_Golfer 5 points ago +5 / -0

I agree. I have a really bad feeling about this…

Michael_Golfer 9 points ago +9 / -0

Wow. I don’t have a good feeling about this… Did this guy know something important? Are the globalists trying to start WW3? Whatever happened here my gut tells me the shooter was not acting alone.

Michael_Golfer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Video games are certainly real. They typically are worth $60 when buying a new game.

In-game items aren’t worth anything to someone who doesn’t play video games or someone who doesn’t believe video games are real in the first place.

However, in-game items make up a huge percentage of revenue for video game developers. Activision, a developer of real video games, made $8.8 billion in revenue in FY 2021. $5.1 billion of that revenue came from microtransactions and in-game purchases.

Whether you want to admit it or not, in-game purchases are certainly worth a lot of money to people who play video games. Just because you find them worthless doesn’t mean they are worthless.

So if you want to believe the MSM narrative that GameStop is a failing brick and mortar company then that’s your decision. But I think we should all know by now not to trust the MSM.

Michael_Golfer 3 points ago +3 / -0

That would’ve dangerously escalated the situation. The workers appear to be very outnumbered and who knows if the guys standing by the front of the store have guns.

Even if it worked the owner probably would’ve been charged with assault and if they are white they would be charged with a hate crime and domestic terrorism.

The reason they act this way is because they know there won’t be any repercussions. Such a sad state these cities are in.

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