Here is the link to the doc. It is a pdf. Download it and store off line. [url=]SQuay_Bayesian Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 FINAL V.2.pdf[/url] Here is the topline:
Laboratory Origin Hypothesis The spike protein that gives the coronavirus its name, corona or crown, is the key to match with the lock found in host cells. But before it can inject its genetic material in the host cell, the spikeprotein needs to be cut, to loosen it in preparation for infection. The host cell has the scissors or enzymes that do the cutting. The singular, unique feature of CoV-2 is that it requires a host enzyme called furin to activate it at a spot called the S1/S2 junction.
No other coronavirus in the same subgenera has a furin cleavage site, as it is called. The other coronaviruses are cleaved at a site downstream from the S1/S2 site, called the S’ site. This is of course a major problem for the zoonosis theory, but it gets worse.
Since 1992 the virology community has known that the one sure way to make a virus deadlier isto give it a furin cleavage site at the S1/S2 junction in the laboratory. At least eleven gain-of-function experiments, adding a furin site to make a virus more infective, are published in the open literature, including Dr. Zhengli Shi, head of coronavirus research at the WIV.
Also note the list of those already informed:
First Name Last Name John Amuasi Kristian Andersen Danielle Anderson Ralph Baric Francis Collins Carlos das Neves Peter Daszak Vladimir Dedkov Dominic Dwyer Anthony Fauci Hume Field Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Eddie Holmes Gerald Keusch Marion Koopmans Dato' Sai Kit (Ken) Lam Fabian Lendertz W. Ian Lipkin Ken Maeda Hung Nguyen Stanley Perlman David Quammen Andrew Rambaut Angelie Rassmussen Linda Saif Zhengli Shi Supaporn Wacharapluesadde
Muh Bat Soup...
I keep getting attempts to load software on my computer I don't trust this.
Then maybe you should ditch the Billy Gates shit, and replace your CPU, RAM and SDD and get yourself on Quebes.
ALternatively, plug these in your searchengine squay+baseyan+analisis+sarscov
and take it from whatever link you think is not screwing up your Billy Gates Box.
Thanks. I'm using Epic browser on a Mac to download the file.
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