Yes. Intelligent design in science is a theory intended to compete with that of evolution by defining complex specified information and then proving mathematically that the presence of CSI is so overwhelming as to be incompatible with the evolutionary assumptions. Most ID researchers believe the source of CSI is the traditional God, but they put the theory out nonjudgmentally just in case someone wants to posit some other source such as panspermia or selection by anthropic principle.
Metaphysically, though, even if Dawkins admits information could've arisen elsewhere before here, it is still mathematically impossible to have arisen from chaos; human design can only have arisen from external design. Ex nihilo nihil fit. Scientists object when ID takes them closer to the traditional God, but they have no alternative. If they are honest pursuers of "science" (knowledge), they will eventually master the metaphysics and discover more and more attributes of this Designer: that he is personal, that he is omnipotent, that he communicates, etc., until they realize he's that same Jewish carpenter they passed down the road.
How do you feel about the theory that Horrus and Jesus both have the same stories (or very similar)?
Something strange happened after the Phoenecians and Sumerians left Canaan. They mainly settled in Babylon and Egypt, where their religions evolved separately, yet there are striking similarities.
Horus is a counterfeit, as are all religions "comparative" to Biblical faith. Demons are intelligent enough to pepper their followers with distortions of the truth that don't actually surrender their followers to God. Coincidence? Coordination?
So how does the ID theory fit, in your understanding, with the idea that we’re most likely living in a simulation? These things keep me up at night so thank you for your thoughts, ???
The only way it's a "simulation" is that the whole universe is an imagination of God. The difference is that our imaginations do not have physical reality, but God has power to equate his imagination with physical reality. Therefore just because you call it a simulation does not give you any special powers to trump the laws of physics. However, if you get in close touch with the author of the laws of physics you can figure out how he gets some of them tweaked at times to do "wonders" (Biblical miracles).
ID demonstrates that the world is packed with evidence of design and thus is created by someone powerful. It's okay to call that a simulation but that word makes it appear that it's not also real. The spiritual aspect of this universe is also very real (if not more so) and follows its own laws, but the Bible indicates that the physical and spiritual aspects are equally necessary within God's imagination.
So are humans products of intelligent design? And what exactly does that mean?
Yes. Intelligent design in science is a theory intended to compete with that of evolution by defining complex specified information and then proving mathematically that the presence of CSI is so overwhelming as to be incompatible with the evolutionary assumptions. Most ID researchers believe the source of CSI is the traditional God, but they put the theory out nonjudgmentally just in case someone wants to posit some other source such as panspermia or selection by anthropic principle.
Metaphysically, though, even if Dawkins admits information could've arisen elsewhere before here, it is still mathematically impossible to have arisen from chaos; human design can only have arisen from external design. Ex nihilo nihil fit. Scientists object when ID takes them closer to the traditional God, but they have no alternative. If they are honest pursuers of "science" (knowledge), they will eventually master the metaphysics and discover more and more attributes of this Designer: that he is personal, that he is omnipotent, that he communicates, etc., until they realize he's that same Jewish carpenter they passed down the road.
How do you feel about the theory that Horrus and Jesus both have the same stories (or very similar)?
Something strange happened after the Phoenecians and Sumerians left Canaan. They mainly settled in Babylon and Egypt, where their religions evolved separately, yet there are striking similarities.
Horus is a counterfeit, as are all religions "comparative" to Biblical faith. Demons are intelligent enough to pepper their followers with distortions of the truth that don't actually surrender their followers to God. Coincidence? Coordination?
So how does the ID theory fit, in your understanding, with the idea that we’re most likely living in a simulation? These things keep me up at night so thank you for your thoughts, ???
The only way it's a "simulation" is that the whole universe is an imagination of God. The difference is that our imaginations do not have physical reality, but God has power to equate his imagination with physical reality. Therefore just because you call it a simulation does not give you any special powers to trump the laws of physics. However, if you get in close touch with the author of the laws of physics you can figure out how he gets some of them tweaked at times to do "wonders" (Biblical miracles).
ID demonstrates that the world is packed with evidence of design and thus is created by someone powerful. It's okay to call that a simulation but that word makes it appear that it's not also real. The spiritual aspect of this universe is also very real (if not more so) and follows its own laws, but the Bible indicates that the physical and spiritual aspects are equally necessary within God's imagination.
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