What do we hope the output is going to be? A direct message? Or a password for another photo? Or both? A message and a password for then response? I am just wondering. I doubt the password would be a word or phrase at this point for these sick people. We are at the beginning of what we might have to decode. I 100% agree there is info in the pictures. I just don't think Tom Hanks used the password "cat" for his photos. It was probably a HEX code or some randomized encryption key. When I was a lot younger, I met a lady who was traveling. She had too sign into her companies site using a credit card sized "clock" with a changing "key" changed every 30 minutes. I asked her about it. She said it was for "security". That was in the days of 1ghz laptops. I can't imagine we could decode anything more then our own future comms. I would love to be able to do this, and think we can. These people are stupid, so maybe the pedo's actually do use words..
What do we hope the output is going to be? A direct message? Or a password for another photo? Or both? A message and a password for then response? I am just wondering. I doubt the password would be a word or phrase at this point for these sick people. We are at the beginning of what we might have to decode. I 100% agree there is info in the pictures. I just don't think Tom Hanks used the password "cat" for his photos. It was probably a HEX code or some randomized encryption key. When I was a lot younger, I met a lady who was traveling. She had too sign into her companies site using a credit card sized "clock" with a changing "key" changed every 30 minutes. I asked her about it. She said it was for "security". That was in the days of 1ghz laptops. I can't imagine we could decode anything more then our own future comms. I would love to be able to do this, and think we can. These people are stupid, so maybe the pedo's actually do use words..
Try Google Authenticator?