posted ago by RealityIsYourGod ago by RealityIsYourGod +42 / -0

Regardless of what happens on this board, we have a job to do. We need transparency, we need to trust each other, we need to feel we can depend on each other because after this, there is no fallback website. There is no magic gathering of critical thinkers that you can just summon with a click of a button. This is it. Enjoy it while you can because it may not be forever. No matter what though, know that your fellow patriots are doing their part the best they can and someday soon the world will acknowledge that. With each step we've taken the information war has made it's way closer to the surface and now it's at the precipice of that murky water that has suffocated us all for so long. No matter how dark the line between light and shadow becomes, do not give up your last vestiges of hope because the truth will be made bare, evil shall be made accountable and the sun shall rise again. God wins. Where we go one,we go all.