I think we are thinking of what’s happening in our world in a linear fashion rather than a cyclical fashion. How does what we are experiencing relate to the cycles of time? Why does Q mention the Bible, (“it will be biblical”) and as well act as if this plan cannot be stopped by any force of MAN
It seems as if Q knows the future to the dates, he mentions the “wave” and refers to it as Biblical, and also tells us that this cannot be stopped. Well what is “this” then?
What is the world dealing with right now? I know we all like to believe we are dealing w Globalists vs Patriots, but at a much larger scale, what would you say the world is dealing with at this moment?
Good vs Evil? Love vs Fear?
I guess my main point is that if we were to all examine the macrocosm of this situation, relate it to the cycles of our (hidden) history, I think the picture would be more clear. It seems to me an age has just ended and another begins.
Nothing can stop this shift. This shift in energy from above will collide with human life and all of our solar system planets as well as the other solar systems in the Milky Way. This is an event. The passing of one age into another. Nothing can stop what is coming
Lastly, I would like to note that in the constellation of Orion, there exists a small sector of stars called “The Hare”. The stars look like the ears of a white rabbit when visible in the sky. I thought that was interesting
I love this community, have a good day everyone
I think Q is working with Jesus/is Jesus
and the Q Source from the Bible=words of Jesus and our instructions for a proper life.
Q from Q Source, is short for quelle in German, which means 'source' and Q said 'we have the source'...
Q also has said this is Biblical,
and the NT is about Jesus and his persecution...
perhaps Q is seeking justice for Jesus?
*this might sound farfetched, but it's where the last 1100 days have led me...
Yeah this right here. There is something metaphysical about all of what’s happening
yep at this point, I don't think there's any other way to explain it.
especially knowing how many of us anons have been changed, and witnessed our own 'coincidences' related to the plan...
just mind boggling to think about.
Bookmark this in your mind.
When the storm clears, if you will, it appears it will indeed be a new era, but this battle of the war of good and evil is not ended. It will be our immediate duty to build the solid network based on the truth of the Bible, covered with the blood of Jesus. We must do this efficiently and like never before because there will be another longterm attack.
I have every hope that vast enemy networks will be defeated now, but I read the warnings that other vast networks will remain. Swamp Rangers and other organizations will prepare for the worst and hope for the best. God has raised up Trump and Q for this time, it appears, but there will be a greater storm ahead and he has not revealed who will deliver us then. If the deliverance from the next storm comes personally from Jesus, it means it will be the last and worst storm and will take the most endurance (1,260 or 1,335 days). Be prepared.
This particular storm is abating. The freezing of the whole US (except sunny Florida) may be the eighth or ninth plague of ten. According to the model, the tenth will be the striking down of many high priests of Satan followed immediately by a Red Sea escape into a new commitment to government under God. The Israelites were preserved against major effects of the later plagues and participated during the last one by covering their homes with the blood of the lamb, to represent Jesus. We too may be called on to identify ourselves with the new government when the time comes. Certainly voting seems to be in the plan, but there may be more than that. All of us must ask what we can do to walk more deeply with Jesus.
When this storm passes, use its lessons to stay alert as a greater one is prophesied to come. I am hopeful that Swamp Rangers will be able to demonstrate this Biblically in future, but much of the data is being saved for when the clouds break this year.
Oddly enough I can't help but feel asking "who is Q?" Is a lot like asking..."How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?" Maybe "who" isn't really the question one should be asking? better question. what was the point? what did it do? what was meant to be accomplished? and did it?
It's not over yet.
Well I'm 50/50 on that. Q's "role" in this could be over, not certain. But, hypothetically speaking...even if we never hear a peep from Q again.. does not change the fact...the chain reaction is just beginning... and can not be stopped... ie the great awakening... ( well that's the angle i'm seeing it from.)
I actually believe that what is coming has already happened. I believe the good side has already won. What we are seeing is the death, much like a chicken who is beheaded, it will run around before it drops. The ds is lashing out trying to hold on with both hands, passing ridiculous EO's, laws (any signed yet?), crazy declarations. The d s can still kill people and I think that is what this time is now. Getting control of all their death traps that have been set up around the country. Just a thought.
The Parousia begins in Racine, Wisconsin by exposing the “root” and model for the real agenda beyond 21 and 2030 of Eternal Enslavement forged through the Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan’s Ability) with the Mark of the Beast enforced by Quantum AI and the Quantum Internet, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities and Community Policing.
Racine is the model for all of these programs.
Racine is also the gateway to the Path of Souls through Orion and the Milky Way.
The Truth has been shared since The Beginning.
Trump and Q can Save The World with One Word.
Jesus Christ and The Truth are The Only Way.
Jesus is the Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.
I would love to pick your brain. It seems you are thinking exactly what I’ve been thinking lately. Humans have lost the truth. The truth of who we are and how powerful we are as SPIRITUAL beings.
Materialism has created a so called “nail in the coffin” of the spiritual development of our species. Thing is, nothing can stop what is coming. The shift will occur regardless if we are ready or not.
Is there any reading material you could give me about Racine and the pathway to the souls through Orion? I’ve never heard this type of thing before and I like to think I read a lot of different types of spiritual texts. I’m incredibly interested in what you’re saying
The Parousia begins in Racine. Jesus Christ and The Truth are The Only Way.
It’s not easy to summarize nor source. The real agenda is not only global enslavement, but Eternal Enslavement with a global tracking and surveillance system with quantum AI and transhumanism.
They are trying to minimize and eliminate Jesus Christ and The Truth by all means necessary while opening the Gate to Hell and closing the Gate to Heaven. They are also trying to depopulate in order to control the Base of the Pyramid.
There are some YouTube videos you can find, and some books, as much more information is kept within smaller circles. What is the Hall of Records?
What materials do you take on your Path?
What is the God gene?
Q=question. Question everything and find the truth.
Your welcome NBC, CBS, FOX and other msm.