MSM keeps lying, CDC lies. WHO lies. Fauci lies. Lancet lies. Gates lies. Politicians lying. AMA lies. Insurance companies Lying. Some medical providers also lying.
There are the outright liars and there are the lies of omission.
That's not what this is saying... Its just extrapolating the upper and lower bounds of the study's statistical data into real world terms. That highlighted quote is an extrapolation of the upper bound. If you look at the upper and lower bound together, it is more likely that there is a small benefit towards a reduction in viral transmittance in wearing a mask.
That does not mean this promotes mask wearing. on the contrary it does the opposite. Even in the best case scenario of a 20% reduction of viral transmission, that is still meaningless on the population level, and in fact promotes bad behavior from at risk populations due to a false sense of security.
That doesn't even touch on the increased probability of pneumonia (the real cause of death in this plandemic) from wearing the types of masks most people wear.
From your diction it sounds as if you come from a country where you already have experience ducking out of sight of big brother. No judgement on you,...what is happening to us you have already gone through and you know the hazards and pitfalls.
All this is really saying is, according to this particular study, we can come to no conclusion on whether masks increase or decrease the spread of coronavirus. Or in other words, masks probably don't influence it one way or the other at all. If we take this data and compare it with other data we can also say the masks most people wear are an at best 20% reduction in the spread of the virus. We can also say that at worst they help spread coronavirus by some small amount.
Even in the best case scenario, a 20% reduction is meaningless in all ways. It won't matter on a population level, it won't matter on an individual level. On the contrary, for any at risk population (elderly e.g.) it will give them a false sense of security, promoting otherwise bad behavior because they "have their mask on."
Much more concerning than studies on whether or not masks help with coronavirus spread are studies on bacterial infections that cause pneumonia because of the types of masks people wear and the way they use them. Pneumonia is the largest cause of death from coronavirus, and many studies (before 2020) suggest reused cloth masks are the largest contributor to getting infected with those bacteria.
Based on a fair bit of study on this topic, my advise is don't wear a mask for an extended period of time. If you can help it, don't wear a mask at all.
Love it. True scientific studies such as this should be plastered everywhere for ALL SHEOPLE TO SEE!
You are a Patriot my friend, keep up your good work!
You care! Well done.
MSM keeps lying, CDC lies. WHO lies. Fauci lies. Lancet lies. Gates lies. Politicians lying. AMA lies. Insurance companies Lying. Some medical providers also lying.
There are the outright liars and there are the lies of omission.
23% increase in!
That's not what this is saying... Its just extrapolating the upper and lower bounds of the study's statistical data into real world terms. That highlighted quote is an extrapolation of the upper bound. If you look at the upper and lower bound together, it is more likely that there is a small benefit towards a reduction in viral transmittance in wearing a mask.
That does not mean this promotes mask wearing. on the contrary it does the opposite. Even in the best case scenario of a 20% reduction of viral transmission, that is still meaningless on the population level, and in fact promotes bad behavior from at risk populations due to a false sense of security.
That doesn't even touch on the increased probability of pneumonia (the real cause of death in this plandemic) from wearing the types of masks most people wear.
Thanks for explaining the statistics!
From your diction it sounds as if you come from a country where you already have experience ducking out of sight of big brother. No judgement on you,...what is happening to us you have already gone through and you know the hazards and pitfalls.
All this is really saying is, according to this particular study, we can come to no conclusion on whether masks increase or decrease the spread of coronavirus. Or in other words, masks probably don't influence it one way or the other at all. If we take this data and compare it with other data we can also say the masks most people wear are an at best 20% reduction in the spread of the virus. We can also say that at worst they help spread coronavirus by some small amount.
Even in the best case scenario, a 20% reduction is meaningless in all ways. It won't matter on a population level, it won't matter on an individual level. On the contrary, for any at risk population (elderly e.g.) it will give them a false sense of security, promoting otherwise bad behavior because they "have their mask on."
Much more concerning than studies on whether or not masks help with coronavirus spread are studies on bacterial infections that cause pneumonia because of the types of masks people wear and the way they use them. Pneumonia is the largest cause of death from coronavirus, and many studies (before 2020) suggest reused cloth masks are the largest contributor to getting infected with those bacteria.
Based on a fair bit of study on this topic, my advise is don't wear a mask for an extended period of time. If you can help it, don't wear a mask at all.
Thanks, pede!
Never have never will
Link that here pls!
You probably were scared because there is a lot of the TDS virus going around and those people are Cuh-razy!!
Love it. True scientific studies such as this should be plastered everywhere for ALL SHEOPLE TO SEE! You are a Patriot my friend, keep up your good work!