This is important. God makes rocks/stones and man makes bricks.
Earlier in the Daniel story it says that the "rock hewn without hands" out of "the mountain" "crushed the feet of the statue" and then "the rock filled the whole earth"
There is no rock like our Rock. Our Rock is the Messiah, the Rock of Ages.
Our Master is the Rock hewn without hands (the only brought-forth/begotten Son) and He will tear down the ancient world systems and establish the Kingdom of Heaven.
The "rock" (even) in the Daniel story is the "even maasu haBonim", the stone that the builders rejected. The reason I translated it as brick is because it is often a building stone, hewn or unhewn. Even (stone/brick), Levan (brick), and liBnot (to build) are all triconsonantals originating from the primitive biconsonantal root BaN (build). The word Ben (Child) also comes from this, because he/she is the result of building up a house (i.e. family). Binah (understanding) also comes from this, as in Proverbs 9:1 "Wisdom banetah betah (has built her house)". (The letter Bet means "house" and is shaped like a house, and houses are made of brick.)
'Even' is a rock/stone.
'Levan' is a brick
This is important. God makes rocks/stones and man makes bricks.
Earlier in the Daniel story it says that the "rock hewn without hands" out of "the mountain" "crushed the feet of the statue" and then "the rock filled the whole earth"
There is no rock like our Rock. Our Rock is the Messiah, the Rock of Ages.
Our Master is the Rock hewn without hands (the only brought-forth/begotten Son) and He will tear down the ancient world systems and establish the Kingdom of Heaven.
The "rock" (even) in the Daniel story is the "even maasu haBonim", the stone that the builders rejected. The reason I translated it as brick is because it is often a building stone, hewn or unhewn. Even (stone/brick), Levan (brick), and liBnot (to build) are all triconsonantals originating from the primitive biconsonantal root BaN (build). The word Ben (Child) also comes from this, because he/she is the result of building up a house (i.e. family). Binah (understanding) also comes from this, as in Proverbs 9:1 "Wisdom banetah betah (has built her house)". (The letter Bet means "house" and is shaped like a house, and houses are made of brick.)
With appreciation for your effort, I am very familiar with these topics as well.
The difference that I am highlighting is that a brick is man-made.
A stone is God made.
God makes stones. Man makes bricks.
An altar can only be made of uncut stones. Brick altars are forbidden and not for any small reason.
Our Master Jesus/Yeshua is not a man-made brick. He is a God-made rock that was brought forth without hands.
The rock in Daniel is from a mountain. A part of a mountain brought forth without hands cannot be a brick.