What the hell do people mean when they say " none of this is real, you are watching a movie?" I have been following this election and everything after it carefully, and I believe the white hats are either in control COMPLETELY or at least partially. But if this is so, is this merely a charade intended to wake people up? Is it being staged by TRUMP'S people and is EVERYONE acting or are there actually actors who do not know they are in a movie? The reason I ask, for example, is some people claim many of the bad actors are already under arrest and/or have been executed or are at GITMO. So for instance, if it is a fake Biden, does his wife Jill know that it is a fake Biden, I know that sounds stupid, but either she knows and is being forced to play along, or is she a fake too. When he meets with his staff, do they know that he is fake and are they playing along, or are they in the dark. I suppose what I'm asking is is this completely staged or are there aspects of it that are still being played out by people who do not realize they are actually in a movie? Please bear with me here, because I completely believe that Trump will triumph in the end, but I am wondering what this charade is about?
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"...joined 102 days ago...." Really? Well, whatever.