“A process cannot be understood by stopping it. Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it and flow with it.”
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Dune is my favorite book ever. Its philosophy is based on sufism and zen. This is a mix between the spiritual virility of Islam and the the absolute fluidity of the mind described in the Zen philosophy. The mix is very relevant to us. Be faithful, brave and righteous but don't close your mind and be as open as possible, to be able to consider any possibility with a depassionate and clear mind.
Everything you're speaking of here is exactly the shared intuitive insight that's been emerging recently among me/others. A word or 'rayma' of pure synchronicity + flow. 'Watch the water'.
And even more intriguing, such principles are not at heart in contradiction with any faiths or understandings. But rather they are foundationally inherent in both humans and the greater creation itself. A 'both/and, multidimensional, WWG1WGA' kinda universe :)
[Just as I typed that last word - the singer of a song playing in the b/g sang the word 'universe'. Wow, the individual strings of our collective 'guitar' must really be resonating in tune lately, we seem to be generating lots of 'overtones'!]
Or as someone once described it.... we humans are truly 'fearsomely/awesomely made'', and 'all things are ours...' And that's what ds hopes we the people will never realize and actualize.