i am lucky; all my family are conservatives who hate all this shit (although my nan got the vax a month ago cos she wants to travel, which surprised the heck out of me. No side effects yet though fingers crossed)
But so many videos from across the UK of fucking nazi police and fascist shoppers getting off on policing everyone else.
So proud of aussies rn!! You guys are speaking out about the corruption in a big way.
yh aussies are leading the way, whilst sheep here in the UK are scared of their own fucking shadow, it's humiliating
Yep, UK here as well mate. Tell me about it. I tried red pilling my mum over the weekend, what a fucking futile attempt that was :(
i am lucky; all my family are conservatives who hate all this shit (although my nan got the vax a month ago cos she wants to travel, which surprised the heck out of me. No side effects yet though fingers crossed)
But so many videos from across the UK of fucking nazi police and fascist shoppers getting off on policing everyone else.