Weekly Discussion Thread - February 22nd - 28th
We're going to try a weekly discussion thread to see how it goes. The expectation is that it will be posted on mondays so we don't split up weekend discussions.
Feel free to posts thoughts and suggestions.
Trump isn’t God but God has definetely been using him and I believe he has put his trust in the Lord and God is keeping his hand in him. I truly believe that God is keeping us currently in a holding pattern for the moment and allowing folks to get a preview of how bad things can truly get so that hearts may be softened and people realize how badly we ALL need God and turn to him in droves and I believe it is already beginning to happen. See Flashpoint on Victory channel.
As a non-Christian, I'm curious why so many Christians believe God chose Trump. Can you elaborate on why you believe this?
If your heart is open to God, you can hear Him. It is called the Holy Spirit.
This is not anything that can be proven. You have to experience it for yourself to understand it.
Suffice to say that you are missing out on a commonly experienced phenomenon which serves to provide guidance and comfort to a vast number of people in the world.
Because he (Trump) stands up for what is right and for godly morals and values and is not afraid to fight against evils that are being done against Christians and against Israel whom the bible says are God’s chosen people along with those who choose God. I think initially he may not have had so much faith but saw his faithful acts and tone grow through his term and he did many things which are prophecied in scripture from ancient times. Many prophetic pastors also prophecied specifically about him years before he even ran for office.
Trump is a Cyrus.
Agreed but was a bit let down when he didn’t announce anything big happening other than repubs taking everything back. We NEED Trump back NOW
This is my feeling as well.