Of the three major Lutheran synods ELCA is the most whack-a-doo of them all.. I've been in two: WELS is as patriarchal as a system can get, while Missouri, at least as far as I can remember from my time in it (maybe they have changed) Synod is relaxed.. None of them are in touch with Luther's perspectives or teachings. Another great flock of lost and scattered sheep.
The LSS -Lutheran Social Services, is ELCA - The organization that is chartered in each state representing the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America...
No thanks
Lutherans are Hell bent on destroying the Midwest.
Of the three major Lutheran synods ELCA is the most whack-a-doo of them all.. I've been in two: WELS is as patriarchal as a system can get, while Missouri, at least as far as I can remember from my time in it (maybe they have changed) Synod is relaxed.. None of them are in touch with Luther's perspectives or teachings. Another great flock of lost and scattered sheep.
Can't comment on your acronyms but Lutherans are taking DNC and Soros bucks to help integrate these refugees into every town across the upper Midwest.
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.
Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
The LSS -Lutheran Social Services, is ELCA - The organization that is chartered in each state representing the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America...