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Just because you don't "see any action" doesn't mean there is action happening. It just means you can't connect the dots because you don't understand the many layers of this unbelievably complex operation.
This is about more than arrests and tribunals. It's about destroying an evil cabal that has been ruling pretty much the whole planet for centuries. It's about dismantling every structure that supports and finances that cabal. Not just in the US, but in almost every country in the world. The central banking system supports the Deep State. But how do you destroy the central banks without sending us into toal anarchy when suddenly no one can access their money or order their meds?
You have to have a transition system ready to go BEFORE you pull the plug on the old system. Do you now understand how much planning has gone into this? And how much time and work and money Trump and his team have put in over MANY YEARS trying to plan this all and now put it into action without causing civil or world war?
But we are close. Russia just arrested their corrupt bankers and have decoupled from the crooked central banks. Myanmar is doing the same. SuperMario in Italy is working on that in Italy, with the EU to follow.
As eager as I am to see big BOOMS happening, I think I can have a little more patience. How about you?