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Where in Gods name is the military. The men and women we pay our tax dollars to protect and defend our freedom our constitution
You answer is in your question, God and God's plan. We need to have several paths as humans, hoping the military will step in. This is my hope also, but, a good solider always has several plans. So if the military does not pay out, what are your plans and goals. Fix the system, expose corruption, red pill folks, rescue the kids, get rid of creepy joe, kamel toe harris, etc . I guess my point is to have many plans. Keeps them confuses and leaves patriots with the paths to rid the country of communist. Love and Peace My Friend.
You know the story, right? At what point is this reached?
A man is stranded on the roof of his house during a disastrous flood. He prays to God to save him. Moments later a family in a boat troll on by and offer to take him. He refuses, saying "God will save me". Hour later a coast guard chopper fly's over and attempts to rescue. He refuses telling the pilot I prayed to God to save me. Pilot cant believe the man on the roof and reluctantly moves on to the next house. The flood level increase totally submerging the man and he drowns.
The man goes to heaven, meets God and asks "why have you forsaken me"? God responds to the man, "I sent you a boat and a helicopter, what more can I do".
Point is, God and light work through people. At some point we must do Gods work. The question has always been WHEN.
Think I just answered my frustration issue.
Quality post, anon. Thank you so much for the story, it truly helped.
We come up with our own plan when we get state sub wins. If we can get we can more effectively communicate. Right now we’re just shouting into the sky. Idk about you but I don’t have a ton of contacts or friends, i cant make plans unless I’m planning for a one man operation.
Right there with you