What if the building they built outside the White House was for an actual Tribunal? The only photos I saw looked like a good place to have a 'hanging'. We have no idea what it was used for. They said it was for the 'Inaugeration'. I see nothing that shows in photos . . . It's now gone. It was used for something. Does anyone have any clues?
Most of the debunkers say it was used for press for inauguration. Some say it wasn’t on the right side of the property to be used for inauguration. Someone else posted a picture of a very similar looking structure from White House archives during Clinton’ inauguration but who knows. I’ve also seen video of what looks like to be a bunch of people walking out of White house into structure..some people say it was children. I like to think that the people on our side, the true patriots and freedom fighters are doing all kinds of things to confuse everybody. I so wanted the structure to be gallows.
But confuse who and why? If we “have everything” what the hell are they waiting for exactly? If the endgame is for the military to take over communications and start airing proof of Deep State crimes while they arrest the offenders why not just do it already? Without the fake news lying and spinning everything this country would unite in light of that kind of information almost immediately. Even if they wanted to put up a fight they’d have no way to communicate in order to mobilize. Everyone would be glued to their TVs like it’s 9/11 all over again. I just hope there’s a damn good reason for it because we know the longer the Deep State goes unpunished the more innocent people die. I don’t want anymore holy blood on our hands. Drop the axe already, the prisoner has nothing left to say but blasphemies.
They need enough of the public Worldwide to begin to wake up on their own by witnessing the ever increasingly obvious Globalist Agenda. If they force the full truth down the throat of people who are completely asleep they would not be able to handle it. Remember how deep the rabbit hole goes. Our World for a very long time was run by satanic cannibalistic pedophiles. Virtually everyone we were taught to trust and look up to our entire lives are pure evil. They created wars, they created disease and cures but kept the cures from us, they poisoned our water, air, food, media, etc. They have kept revolutionary exotic technologies beyond our imagination from us. Anti gravity, tesla free energy technology, etc. Imagine just working your 9-5 job like most people completely oblivious and then suddenly these truth gets plastered on every TV Channel across the World with irrefutable evidence. Like the Q team said, the FULL truth would put 99% of the World in the hospital. Mental or regular hospital. I've been red pilled since before Q and even I struggle with these difficult truths some days despite having over 7 years to process it already. The Military need people to at least begin to see how evil these people are on their own. Only then when enough of the population is ready and WE THE PEOPLE demand change/revolution, they can make their move. They only get 1 chance at this. If they move too early, it could collapse society, despite intending the opposite effect. That's how I view it anyways. God bless! WWG1WGA!
Nobody has ever nor will ever go to the hospital by learning the truth about the Deep State. That is not a valid reason for delay. There might be a valid reason, but that is not it. Did YOU go to the hospital when you learned about it? I didn’t. Neither did any of my friends. It’s shocking stuff but if the cures ans technology you mention are there people are going to rejoice, not need a hospital. And when they learn about the cannibals they’ll be disgusted and infuriated—they won’t end up in the hospital over it. What kind of weird take on humanity’s ability to take weird national news is that?
Like I said, I’m sure there MUST be SOME reason for the delay, but if THAT’S it, either the Q team massively underestimates humanity or I massively overestimate them because that sounds crazy to me.
What if the building they built outside the White House was for an actual Tribunal? The only photos I saw looked like a good place to have a 'hanging'. We have no idea what it was used for. They said it was for the 'Inaugeration'. I see nothing that shows in photos . . . It's now gone. It was used for something. Does anyone have any clues?
Most of the debunkers say it was used for press for inauguration. Some say it wasn’t on the right side of the property to be used for inauguration. Someone else posted a picture of a very similar looking structure from White House archives during Clinton’ inauguration but who knows. I’ve also seen video of what looks like to be a bunch of people walking out of White house into structure..some people say it was children. I like to think that the people on our side, the true patriots and freedom fighters are doing all kinds of things to confuse everybody. I so wanted the structure to be gallows.
But confuse who and why? If we “have everything” what the hell are they waiting for exactly? If the endgame is for the military to take over communications and start airing proof of Deep State crimes while they arrest the offenders why not just do it already? Without the fake news lying and spinning everything this country would unite in light of that kind of information almost immediately. Even if they wanted to put up a fight they’d have no way to communicate in order to mobilize. Everyone would be glued to their TVs like it’s 9/11 all over again. I just hope there’s a damn good reason for it because we know the longer the Deep State goes unpunished the more innocent people die. I don’t want anymore holy blood on our hands. Drop the axe already, the prisoner has nothing left to say but blasphemies.
They need enough of the public Worldwide to begin to wake up on their own by witnessing the ever increasingly obvious Globalist Agenda. If they force the full truth down the throat of people who are completely asleep they would not be able to handle it. Remember how deep the rabbit hole goes. Our World for a very long time was run by satanic cannibalistic pedophiles. Virtually everyone we were taught to trust and look up to our entire lives are pure evil. They created wars, they created disease and cures but kept the cures from us, they poisoned our water, air, food, media, etc. They have kept revolutionary exotic technologies beyond our imagination from us. Anti gravity, tesla free energy technology, etc. Imagine just working your 9-5 job like most people completely oblivious and then suddenly these truth gets plastered on every TV Channel across the World with irrefutable evidence. Like the Q team said, the FULL truth would put 99% of the World in the hospital. Mental or regular hospital. I've been red pilled since before Q and even I struggle with these difficult truths some days despite having over 7 years to process it already. The Military need people to at least begin to see how evil these people are on their own. Only then when enough of the population is ready and WE THE PEOPLE demand change/revolution, they can make their move. They only get 1 chance at this. If they move too early, it could collapse society, despite intending the opposite effect. That's how I view it anyways. God bless! WWG1WGA!
Nobody has ever nor will ever go to the hospital by learning the truth about the Deep State. That is not a valid reason for delay. There might be a valid reason, but that is not it. Did YOU go to the hospital when you learned about it? I didn’t. Neither did any of my friends. It’s shocking stuff but if the cures ans technology you mention are there people are going to rejoice, not need a hospital. And when they learn about the cannibals they’ll be disgusted and infuriated—they won’t end up in the hospital over it. What kind of weird take on humanity’s ability to take weird national news is that?
Like I said, I’m sure there MUST be SOME reason for the delay, but if THAT’S it, either the Q team massively underestimates humanity or I massively overestimate them because that sounds crazy to me.
Cool. If only Q actually gave us those dates you’d actually have a point.
That viewing tower is gone like it does every inauguration
I believed it was for 'fear factor'.
I asked for photos or coverage of them using it on inauguration day so that I could debunk this.
Others believe that tribunals have taken place.
Have a blessed evening.