625 Time for the Military Tribunals Who else is with me on this one? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by swimkin 4 years ago by swimkin +625 / -0 114 comments download share 114 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
A lady I know - a Patriot who organized a trip to DC and continues to organize local grassroots ways to change the political landscape - posted something odd today. The group we are in doesn’t really talk about Q, but clearly she sees/heard hopes of military involvement. Today she said, “In case you’re hoping military:” with this link. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Michael+Aquino&sexp=%7B%22cdrexp%22%3A%22b%22%2C%22artexp%22%3A%22b%22%2C%22prodexp%22%3A%22b%22%2C%22prdsdexp%22%3A%22c%22%2C%22biaexp%22%3A%22b%22%2C%22msvrtexp%22%3A%22b%22%2C%22videxp%22%3A%22a%22%7D&ia=images
Have you guys heard about this man before? There’s a video in the first article from Geraldo, which is disturbing and also surprisingly familiar to what we hear now. It also makes me wonder if this has spread far and wide across military bases too.