Does anyone have young kids in school? How have you handled the mask situation? It’s easy for me for resist the nonsense but, it is a whole different situation with my kids going into school.
I’d like to avoid psychological, developmental, social, etc issues. We know the masks aren't for health reasons.
Here the kids 1st grade and younger don't wear one at all. The older ones are "suppose" to, as do adults. But how many actually keep them on all day at school is probably another thing altogether, lol. In the county I live in anyways, people don't care if you wear one or not in stores and other places, but a lot of folks still wear them probably because they are afraid of confrontation. I don't wear one, but my husband does, not because he thinks they work, but because of his job I think. He's in LE so people see him more and if the media gets ahold of him not wearing one even off duty, it may make a stink.He is doing some great things in the community for the kids/families that it could put a damper on helping children.