This would be utterly exciting but we all know if given the chance to audit pelosi, watters, omar, schumer etc... the government would do absolutely nothing at all or nothing incriminating would be found on them. Theres so much corruption within our government. The great rest is happening before our eyes. I have faith in no one but God. We have a better chance with Him then these elusive white hats or military operatives that are going to save us in the end. Ill keep praying and cross my fingers for the hell of it.
This would be utterly exciting but we all know if given the chance to audit pelosi, watters, omar, schumer etc... the government would do absolutely nothing at all or nothing incriminating would be found on them. Theres so much corruption within our government. The great rest is happening before our eyes. I have faith in no one but God. We have a better chance with Him then these elusive white hats or military operatives that are going to save us in the end. Ill keep praying and cross my fingers for the hell of it.
I think once Trump and MAGA aligned R's get into power, many people will be audited along with follow up corresponding charges.
All we can do.