And if you go against their policies... well, here’s a snippet of an article from today:
In a first, Canada charges a political party’s leader with promoting anti-Semitism
Wednesday’s arrest of Patron, 29-year-old native of that province, stemmed from a 2019 social network video called “Beware the Parasitic Tribe” that news reports said cast Jews as “swindlers” and “snakes.” Patron also has a social media history of denying the Holocaust, according to the Canadian Anti-Hate Network. In his video, Patron claimed that Jewish people “infiltrate the media, they hijack the central bank, and they infect the body politic like a parasite,” and “what we need to do … is remove these people, once-and-for-all, from our country.” The maximum penalty for the offense is two years in prison.
Basically all he did was insult by calling them swindlers & snakes - But what he said is 100% FACT! And he may spend 2 years in prison for telling the truth! I’m betting this aligns perfectly with one of The Protocols...
Fake isn't the right word. Forgery is the term. It's an "unauthorized copy" of an original document or collection of documents.
If you look it up online its nothing but a stream of websites saying how its fake or whatever... that should tell you enough by itself.
Then, the so-called "jews" (that are not real jews but fake ones; all of them) can NEVER be blamed for anything. He who must not be named...
This is so true fucking in your face exactly what they are doing.
And if you go against their policies... well, here’s a snippet of an article from today:
In a first, Canada charges a political party’s leader with promoting anti-Semitism
Basically all he did was insult by calling them swindlers & snakes - But what he said is 100% FACT! And he may spend 2 years in prison for telling the truth! I’m betting this aligns perfectly with one of The Protocols...
So its true then.