Just a reminder why this country is so fucked up. The majority of politicians are attorneys. The rest of the scum attorneys sit around filing bullshit lawsuits and some of the "scum of scum" attorneys are elevated to local judgeships, which leads to state appointments and then on to the federal positions. Now you know why this country is so fucked up - attorneys
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The cream of the crop certainly doesn’t rise to the top in government. The turds that won’t flush float to the top instead.
Perfect visual.
This is the soulless profession that celebrates one of their own defending transparently-guilty sadistic terrorists and cop killers, but will try to disbar anyone who defends a law-abiding President against the most ludicrous of lies.
Just like journalists (well, and teachers, and government workers, and personnel departments, and advertising, and on and on and on), their profession has been almost totally corrupted by the lie-loving Left.
Agree with the premise but have to mention there’s a lot of based trump attorneys out there. Myself included, and I can say most of them are normal people just like everyone else fed up with the corruption and fraud at every level of government. The evil ones get all the attention.l and make the rest of us look bad.
Duly noted! I have friends and family in the legal profession so I agree with you. Maybe a big culprit is our bloated, ineffective legal system?
Reminds me of The Devil's Advocate. The head of the law firm (Pacino) was Satan who said law was the perfect profession because it gained them access into everything. Politics + "law" = organized crime on steroids.
I agree with you 100%, OP. Some of the most innovative leaders worldwide in my perspective have been non-lawyers, including our beloved GEOTUS obviously. Business leaders, doctors, military vets, etc. Bureaucracy in some ways is a necessary evil in most fields, but law is practically steeped in it. Another thought that comes to mind is what constitutes success in these different professions? Attorneys are paid win or lose. Those other career fields have more "skin in the game" so to speak. Food for thought.
Pence was actually an attorney