“When are we going to rise up”
“When are we going to take justice into our own hands”
“We need to give up on the military and go to vigilante justice!”
“We need to take out these sick people ourselves”
Lmao, the shills are trying to incite violence, anything to stop what is coming. They know. And we know. NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING. THE GATES OF HELL ARE CLOSING AND THERE IS NO ESCAPE FOR YOU AND YOUR SICK FRIENDS. GOD WINS!
I've seen quite a few posts really hammering home the fact that there's a large Jewish presence in the cabal. Not saying the statement is false, but I think the fact they are Jewish is kind of irrelevant at this point. Jewish, Catholic, Muslim, Satanic. All have been complicit to one extent or another in these heinous crimes. I get the feeling most of these posts are from shills trying to make this community out to look like anti-Semitic Nazis to the newbie lurkers.
This. Very well phrased.
So of course, today was the first posting of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion I've seen here in a little while. Lovely. ?
Although, I'm sad to say, there is an embarrassing contingent here who evidently will hop on that train whenever it rolls by.
I pray they're all knowing shills, but experience shows they likely all aren't.
All I can say is, anyone who just can't make up his mind about Hitler is patently not on the side of decency and liberty, whatever else they might say.