“When are we going to rise up”
“When are we going to take justice into our own hands”
“We need to give up on the military and go to vigilante justice!”
“We need to take out these sick people ourselves”
Lmao, the shills are trying to incite violence, anything to stop what is coming. They know. And we know. NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING. THE GATES OF HELL ARE CLOSING AND THERE IS NO ESCAPE FOR YOU AND YOUR SICK FRIENDS. GOD WINS!
I believe what is missing is the concept of the next step.
There is an alternative between waiting for someone else to do something (military and/or Trump) and taking physical/forceful action.
That step is standing up and saying "NO MORE." We The People must resist by saying NO to masks and social distancing. Resist by opening businesses or by going to businesses who don't enforce the tyrannical rules.
I do not allow our "government" to take my constitutional rights away. I will not tolerate masks or lockdowns or any more restrictions on my constitutional rights.
THAT is the action we need to take. It is not a shooting rebellion, it is standing up for our rights and not giving away anymore liberties or freedoms.