North Dakota House Votes To Make Mask Mandates Illegal
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Florida has not needed to do this as people aren't wearing them to begin with. GO NORTH DAKOTA - bring it to the rest of us.... WE SUPPORT YOU!
We have an active mandate in South Florida, a lot of people wear them as they’ve become accustom to it. The mandate isn’t enforced, and no one really cares if you wear one or not. Regardless, there should not be a mandate at all.
Do businesses let people in without masks?
Around where I live, many of them have signs saying outright "NO MASK, NO ENTRY". Same as it's been with "No shoes, no shirt, no service", but funny how we never bat an eye when it comes to that sort of thing. Suddenly mask policies became problematic. I hate what they (masks) represent and agree with those that choose not to wear one for various reasons, but I also know that there's a larger double standard in place.
Really depends on the business. Most don’t care.
Only company around here that enforces is Menards (like home depot or Lowes). They will ask you to leave if you dont mask up. Most anywhere else, they have signs, but worst you get are the odd look.
There are several businesses that require you do not wear masks or they call the police or threaten to shoot you (granted, liquor stores and gun shops, but still cool).
Let people? What do they have bouncers? Just walk past that stupid piece of cardboard that says masks.
Private businesses can ban anyone they want from their private business. Police will arrest or escort out any person banned from a private business.
Private business can also mandate that masks are not allowed and ban anyone wearing them.