I asked my priest what he thought of the Catholic schools and he says its no way a guarantee of anything and that the Catholic schools are just as infiltrated as the public schools. Are you experiencing this where you are? Or have they done a pretty good job teaching the faith and steering away from the relativist propaganda?
Interesting. We are in catholic school and my son recently mentioned he has to do an autobiography. I will have to find out more!
I asked my priest what he thought of the Catholic schools and he says its no way a guarantee of anything and that the Catholic schools are just as infiltrated as the public schools. Are you experiencing this where you are? Or have they done a pretty good job teaching the faith and steering away from the relativist propaganda?
Jesuit = Communist
Not even close. The Jesuits formed to fight the Communist. Nice Freemasonic propaganda ya got there.
Well, the Society of Jesus (like the pope) are big proponents of “liberation theology”...