I know we are told this is a movie and I do not disagree.
But just because this is a movie does not mean the the movie doesn't have some real consequences of.
The Patriots may be in control, but it seems like they are letting the bad guys show their hand, but that means letting them do some degree of harm to the USA.
Bidan may be in a TV studio but policy decisions have been made that are affecting people right now.
Its vital to remember, we are in the middle (end?) of the war to end all wars. There have been many casualties. There will be more. But there will almost certainly be many fewer lives and livelihoods lost than with any other method of war (kinetic, nuclear, REAL biological, etc.).
In the case of this bill though, it really is all fake.
Fake money: Our currency is almost certainly going to be replaced in the not too distant future. For all human history until 50 years ago our money was based on a real tangible asset with inherent value (silver and gold). This was done as an essential step in a final push to transfer all wealth and dependency from We The People to our Satanic overlords. The 1.9 Trillion for this bill will simply be created by the press of a button at the Fed, further devaluing what we have, to help promote the transition into their future.
On the other side the Patriots want to take us back to a precious metals standard. So one way or another, our current money is fake. It has only the value some random schmuck says it does. It has been that way for 50 years. Its monopoly money.
Fake causes: All the causes outside of direct stimulus are money laundering schemes. That's where the vast majority of our bills go. E.g.: gender studies in Pakistan. Enough said.
Fake Congress: I don't know that everyone in congress is a puppet, but by one puppet master or the other, the vast majority move when a string is pulled, and sit in a corner (cell?) the rest of the time.
Fake President: LOL
Fake money + fake causes + fake congress + fake president = Fake ass bill.
Other than the life support many people need (a couple pages of the bill) It truly is irrelevant what's in it.
I just hope it has some more stimulus so I can buy more silver!
It's a fake bill, giving fake money to fake causes, passed by a fake congress, and signed by a fake president.
Am I the only one who couldn't give two shits for what's in the bill?
I know we are told this is a movie and I do not disagree.
But just because this is a movie does not mean the the movie doesn't have some real consequences of.
The Patriots may be in control, but it seems like they are letting the bad guys show their hand, but that means letting them do some degree of harm to the USA.
Bidan may be in a TV studio but policy decisions have been made that are affecting people right now.
I agree with everything you have said.
Its vital to remember, we are in the middle (end?) of the war to end all wars. There have been many casualties. There will be more. But there will almost certainly be many fewer lives and livelihoods lost than with any other method of war (kinetic, nuclear, REAL biological, etc.).
In the case of this bill though, it really is all fake.
Fake money: Our currency is almost certainly going to be replaced in the not too distant future. For all human history until 50 years ago our money was based on a real tangible asset with inherent value (silver and gold). This was done as an essential step in a final push to transfer all wealth and dependency from We The People to our Satanic overlords. The 1.9 Trillion for this bill will simply be created by the press of a button at the Fed, further devaluing what we have, to help promote the transition into their future.
On the other side the Patriots want to take us back to a precious metals standard. So one way or another, our current money is fake. It has only the value some random schmuck says it does. It has been that way for 50 years. Its monopoly money.
Fake causes: All the causes outside of direct stimulus are money laundering schemes. That's where the vast majority of our bills go. E.g.: gender studies in Pakistan. Enough said.
Fake Congress: I don't know that everyone in congress is a puppet, but by one puppet master or the other, the vast majority move when a string is pulled, and sit in a corner (cell?) the rest of the time.
Fake President: LOL
Fake money + fake causes + fake congress + fake president = Fake ass bill.
Other than the life support many people need (a couple pages of the bill) It truly is irrelevant what's in it.
I just hope it has some more stimulus so I can buy more silver!