Am I shaking from fear or anger or both? The episodes speak to unthinkable actions of the global Cabal. I knew it was bad but didn't fully understand it. The MSM would rather paint Q and Anons as extreme conspiracy theorists than acknowledge the extreme evil of the Cabal itself. I'm left to wonder how this take down will play out as it seems so incredibly deep and wide...much, much, MUCH bigger than a stolen election. In fact, when you put it into perspective, a stolen election seems like a spring day in the park compared to the evil of the Global Deep State. I think I understand the need for patience now more than ever. There is only going to be one shot at taking down the DS and it's got to happen with such precision that the swamp gets drained once and for all.
Respect the plan and hold the line...I get it now.
Here's a link that will take you to all 10 episodes.
"it would make me lose much faith in humanity"
...actually it did the exact opposite for me. For as much as there is an evil cabal of humans [?] out there, there is an even greater number of people like us, ie President Trump et. al. who are willing to endure extreme persecution by MSM and the DS, set fortunes aside, even die to pull the plug on generations of evil. This is a tremendous reason the have faith in humanity. Remember most people, even sleeping democrats (average Joes/Janes) wouldn't condone such evil if they knew it was happening.