In order to red pill the left, they need to think he's truly in office. Notice how mad they are that he is not keeping his word? That his actions are harming them and the nation? These needed to happen. Optics
Why? If the things Q said are true are true and we have proof who really needs optics? Optics to placate all the tree huggers after the military takes out the Fake News and broadcasts their crimes 24/7 on every channel for weeks?
Optics is a dumb reason. It has to be something else. I just don’t know what that is. But optics can’t be it.
The ~25% of the US population in the MSM feeding tube need to be given every possible chance to start thinking for themselves, everyone has to suffer so enough of these people don't lose their minds
I would just like to know then why they play the game if they know the dice were loaded.
In order to red pill the left, they need to think he's truly in office. Notice how mad they are that he is not keeping his word? That his actions are harming them and the nation? These needed to happen. Optics
Why? If the things Q said are true are true and we have proof who really needs optics? Optics to placate all the tree huggers after the military takes out the Fake News and broadcasts their crimes 24/7 on every channel for weeks?
Optics is a dumb reason. It has to be something else. I just don’t know what that is. But optics can’t be it.
The ~25% of the US population in the MSM feeding tube need to be given every possible chance to start thinking for themselves, everyone has to suffer so enough of these people don't lose their minds
Yep, it's unfortunate.