If I got 100 of them made they could be about $3 to 5 a piece I would think. Would have to look though. Been a while but I used to do this type of stuff for my band. Shirts, patches and whatever.
Minimum 100 @$3.00 Would want to measure interest before buying though.
Just trying to share a lot of memes that I’ve accumulated over the past year or so. I’ll be dropping many more Pepes and whatnot. Take what you want Pede, they’re for everyone.
Semper Scrotus, always on the ball...
? ohhhhh sheeit
So who is interested in having a real one of these patches? Anyone?
say about 5 inch x 5 inch?
Make it so. How much you charge?
If I got 100 of them made they could be about $3 to 5 a piece I would think. Would have to look though. Been a while but I used to do this type of stuff for my band. Shirts, patches and whatever.
Minimum 100 @$3.00 Would want to measure interest before buying though.
TOC Cmdr-Sgt Kekinbush in Sector-Q calling for close-air support!!! We’re surrounded by queef and running hot. Fishing rod go Brrrrrrrr.
This is most excellent. VPU-2 = Violent Pepe Unit 2.
Just trying to share a lot of memes that I’ve accumulated over the past year or so. I’ll be dropping many more Pepes and whatnot. Take what you want Pede, they’re for everyone.
Fire at will, soldier.
We need reinforcements!!!
Reminds me of NRO patches