The author should stick to black studies or whatever he purports to teach. Nothing in there is anything close to an "identity" nor are any of them close to reality.
A better name is the "8 Racist Classifications to Use on White People." You can put white people into one of these categories based on your perception of how they view and treat minorities. It's not racist or anything because they are white, so you can subject them to anything you wish without fear of repercussion.
You obviously don’t know what’s going on - certainly didn’t watch it, lol. This is actually what’s really being promoted now; they’re pointing out how stupid the shit is!
But you know - you should watch it... it’s funny as hell for one - but it’ll also help you on your journey to becoming awake.
I watched the first part, sorry I was referring to the author of the piece they are joking about in the video. Not the video itself. I have seen these guys before, I know they are pretty hysterical.
The author should stick to black studies or whatever he purports to teach. Nothing in there is anything close to an "identity" nor are any of them close to reality.
A better name is the "8 Racist Classifications to Use on White People." You can put white people into one of these categories based on your perception of how they view and treat minorities. It's not racist or anything because they are white, so you can subject them to anything you wish without fear of repercussion.
You obviously don’t know what’s going on - certainly didn’t watch it, lol. This is actually what’s really being promoted now; they’re pointing out how stupid the shit is!
But you know - you should watch it... it’s funny as hell for one - but it’ll also help you on your journey to becoming awake.
I watched the first part, sorry I was referring to the author of the piece they are joking about in the video. Not the video itself. I have seen these guys before, I know they are pretty hysterical.
Oh! Yeah, LOL