TrueTemper 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fakebook will be stickier, because it has specific utility and a substantial, global user base. It is what granny uses to look at the grandkids across the country. Twatter has no remaining utility. Echo chamber of blue checkmarks and celebrities. No longer a place to go to get real and first hand information. Something else will emerge to fill that void.

TrueTemper 4 points ago +4 / -0

Exactly.... the solution is simple... stop logging on to Twitter. It is no longer of any value. Stay vigilant as other platforms develop and emerge.

Twitter could have chosen to be the information superhighway of breaking news... like it once was. They chose differently, and now the platform will simply fade over time.

TrueTemper 1 point ago +1 / -0

Love the show to death... they have been on point so many times... but have fallen off lately. Expectations are much lower. They have more or less trashed Garrison's Trump character. It started out hysterical but has deteriorated.

Will they illustrate how lockdowns, masks, etc. have done nothing? What can they do with the vaccine angle... if they present the wrong angle, the gestapo may have the FCC pull the cord on the show.

I hope Randy is holed up on Tegridy farms... bursting with orders for Lockdown Loco and Pandemic Haze.... no mask, no vax, blazing behind his kids as they engage in remote non-learning.

TrueTemper 9 points ago +9 / -0

Is that the hero dog that nailed whatever terrorist in the cave.. Conan?

by robbo
TrueTemper 4 points ago +4 / -0

The former. It's actually something they don't own and control. Watch, they will come out with their own Crypo that will be pushed by the banks and owned by the Fed or similar entity. Bitcoin and most of these other cryptos are a thorn in their side, and they want to displace or control them ASAP.

TrueTemper 3 points ago +3 / -0

Apologies for the Faux News link. Remember that THIS is why you see #MeToo accusers now. Cuomo didn't just start being a scumbag. He has very likely done far worse to far more women.

They are working on a way to get him to step down, impeach, or otherwise get him out of the way and replace him with someone just as awful.

He needs to be criminally investigated for the politically motivated decisions made that led to thousands of deaths. He must be held accountable. He cannot be allowed to just "leave" or be "forced out" on #MeToo accusations and have the more serious crimes swept aside.

TrueTemper 5 points ago +5 / -0

Absolutely brilliant OP!

THIS is how we need to start thinking!!! Play the game the way they play it.

TrueTemper 4 points ago +4 / -0

Other states are also taking action on election laws, notably GA and PA. This must continue and we need to support these efforts to the fullest extent possible.

The only path forward for us is to restore elections. As of right now, they have been completely stolen from us. An election held today would be a complete farce.

These R state legislatures have the authority to change election laws. Yes, they may get some court challenges, but those can be overcome. It takes time, which is why it is critical that they act right now.

TrueTemper 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think you read it right.... if he could have gotten the votes to convict, he absolutely would have. The did not "get rid" of Trump because they failed in doing so... some of the senators actually love the country and agree with Trump (a small number). Others know if they went against Trump they are essentially giving up their seat. Loyalty to Mitch keeps them in the gravy train. Mitch wants to preserve the system at all costs, and does not care if he is in the minority or majority, he makes money either way. Most of them would absolutely love to get rid of Trump. We aren't letting that happen.

TrueTemper 4 points ago +4 / -0

I completely agree - most of the Republican leadership was complicit and participated in the fraud and cover up. All of those people need to be removed.

I'm in support of POTUS direction here, he "owns" the R party with record support. Easier to take what is ours than to "start over" with a new party. The right approach as he has stated is to remove those that no longer align with our goals and objectives, which unfortunately means most of the elected Rs today.

TrueTemper 9 points ago +9 / -0

Wish them good luck pulling off their false flag. They've pounded this narrative now for weeks, will be entertaining to watch the BS they have planned. Then it will be fun to debunk it. Have to look at it as a red pill opportunity.

We were not prepared for what they did on January 6th, and their narrative management and information suppression still has half the country believing there was an "armed insurrection" of Trump supporters at the capital. Despite a total lack of arms or violence. Despite their fake story of the officer and the fire extinguisher being loudly debunked. Now you have the Gestapo Director saying no Antifa/BLM involvement, despite a leader of that group facing actual charges and all kinds of photo evidence. Not even mentioning others that were there.

We must be ready to identify and communicate the FF, before they can further exploit this for more attacks on their political enemies.

TrueTemper 4 points ago +4 / -0

Correct. Many are or were complicit in the coup and cover up. All of them need to go. Trump has record support in the R party, and the corrupt layer of incumbent Rs need to be removed. To even do that, we need elections back.

TrueTemper 15 points ago +15 / -0

Courage. What is needed. History will look back and judge those that stood against the oppression and tyranny of the lockdowns, and followed the science which says that NO mitigation measure had any impact whatsoever on the proliferation of the virus.

TrueTemper 1 point ago +1 / -0

What laptop? I'm sure that laptop was "debunked" - it was the "Russians" creating disinformation... the videos and images of Hunter Biden committing crimes against underage women are all "deep fakes." What's more important is the "insurrection" that involved no coordination, no violence (other than a "peaceful protestor" being shot) and no weapons. Oh and a huge lie about a cop and a fire extinguisher that they are still trying to push despite hard evidence to the contrary. Oh and the BLM leader wasn't really there either dressed in trump gear.

Seriously... how could anyone watch this fucking guy Wray? What would be the point? Everything they say now is a LIE. Lying about everything with no potential ramifications... directly to the owned/controlled D congress. The FBI is now officially the Gestapo. They don't even seem interested in hiding that fact.

TrueTemper 4 points ago +4 / -0

100% spot on. Transparently what they are doing with Cuomo. He didn't just begin to be a scumbag a few weeks back. He's always been a known scumbag. He's probably done far worse than what has been reported to far more women. They use this tactic when necessary.... get rid of people with #metoo to hide the bigger crimes.

We don't get to hear how and why he made (politically motivated) decisions that killed thousands of people. We don't get to see him sentenced to death for murder or manslaughter. The victims don't get any accountability. But at least he is removed from office.

TrueTemper 1 point ago +1 / -0

Edit: Sorry, should have said "All Over the Internet" -- GP listed some.

Not that we expected any facts or truth today, but at least we can call this out to the extent possible and necessary today. Complete joke.

TrueTemper 18 points ago +18 / -0

They know we know. It will only make them come after us harder. Expect to hear that the entire "intelligence" apparatus in this country has been re-purposed to destroy their political enemies.

TrueTemper 5 points ago +5 / -0

This has to be done. We can continue to cry about what happened, or get up and move forward. Most important issue we have is to restore elections. If we don't take them back, we will not have any chance to change these scumbags out.

I haven't forgotten what they did, I'm not less angry about it, nor will I stop supporting any effort to bring the crimes to light... but in the meantime, these measures by R legislatures in swing states are important. These legislatures can legally change laws and make their fraud operations much harder to conduct in the future.

TrueTemper 3 points ago +3 / -0

Graham IMO is somewhat different. Fully corrupt, and/or compromised. Working to preserve the swamp and status quo. Staying close to Trump, but cannot be trusted whatsoever. Took no action to hold any of the perpetrators of the ACTUAL coup attempt to remove Trump accountable. Manchin can lose his seat easily (to an R) if he steps over any lines, so he is always walking the tightrope on D issues.

TrueTemper 4 points ago +4 / -0

Many viable comments so far. Get involved with your local party. Talk to friends and neighbors. Volunteer. Most important issue is getting elections back.. volunteer at polls. Even in solid blue areas, opportunities to either prevent or expose the fraud will present themselves. Help the right people get elected. Become one of those people. Support uncompromised people and PACs like Save America, which we know will be put to the right use.

Definitely show courage in the face of the Covid oppression. Follow the science, which tells us masks and all other mitigation measures were a joke that had no impact.

Start with your local party. Reach out and express interest. Go to a meeting. Getting started is hardest part.

TrueTemper 3 points ago +3 / -0

Politically compromised, coming from WV. He's representing a state that should be solid R. His only option to retain power is to be as moderate as possible. Similar but opposite to Susan Collins in that respect. He has some tenure, comes across well and has a history of not going along with the really crazy shit, which keeps him in his seat, at least for now. Pretty sure he voted to convict on both sham impeachments, which defies all possible logic, and eliminates any thought that he might actually be a decent guy. He's playing the game, no more or less.

TrueTemper 14 points ago +14 / -0

Great speech by POTUS outlining the path forward.

Outlined a plan to take elections back. Everything depends on this. Everyone must do their part to implement this plan to the fullest extent possible. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/02/president-trump-lays-must-done-ensure-election-integrity-us-elections-going-forward/

Cuomo on the verge of being impeached, or forced to resign. They are taking him out with #metoo, which is deflecting from the potential crimes he committed in killing seniors. No doubt, he is a scumbag that abused his power to abuse young women, but that is also a distraction/excuse. Using his emergency powers, he made decisions for transparently political reasons and thousands of people died. Then he covered it up and lied about it. https://redstate.com/michael_thau/2021/03/01/trap-how-cuomos-sexual-harassment-scandal-is-helping-the-democrats-n334985

Newsome is going to be recalled. In order for a real candidate to be elected in CA, the people that really want the change need to work together to do it right, or they will just get Newsome back, or even a worse flavor of corrupt scumbag. https://amgreatness.com/2021/02/28/welcome-to-the-jungle-recall/

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