The State of the State of the Union 2021
Comments (14)
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Oh, and that "unofficial" thing... I believe that's a red herring. One that should really be put to bed so we can focus on all the stuff that legitimately is abnormally bizarre in DC right now.
Per one of the more balanced CNN articles I think I have ever read, regarding Donald Trump's first address to a joint session of Congress:
That's why it's listed here as "unofficial". I think the more interdasting thing is the "TBD". I kept hearing 2/23 bandied about as the date of Pedo Joe's address... but that's obviously now come and gone. ?
Yep, the unofficial title is completely normal. However, it was scheduled for the 23rd and has now been updated to TBD. This is something.
That’s the part that should have been highlighted.
I'll be honest, I found both of these things Questionable for their ambiguity, yet I did not bother doing the Based work of checking In on these Facts.
Fact verification is kind of a fundamental function of a truth seeking endeavor.
Nobody here should be exempt from that.
It took me, literally, less than 30 seconds to do. And I’m slow.
I verified the results came up in google for this post. That is the fact I verified. As for knowing where and what to search for, that can be a bit of a paradox. Simply saying it took YOU 30 seconds, doesn't mean I would know of the first year rule of SoTU, and thus be capable of checking on Trump's first year SoTU.
In this thread, I put forth a Question, And you provided the Base Facts. If we only post what we know, then there is a good chance we would post nothing.
Ok, I get you here, now, as my history shows I typed into DDG "unofficial state of the union first year" to get that result to pop up, and I would have typed something like that because I indeed had already learned in prior threads that the "unofficial" was due to it being giving well before the first year in office (or in Joe's case, "in office") was up.
But after your note here, I tried searching "why is joe biden's state of the union speech listed as unofficial"... and got, at least in the results listing on the first two pages, nothing that appeared to answer the question.
Of course, the answer (in several forms, on multiple occasions) exists here on this site. However, unfortunately, the Search function on this site is really bad, as it only search by New Post titles. So searching for "biden unofficial" and "state unofficial" turn up nothing.
Searching for just "unofficial" actually does turn up the answer pretty easily (, but that's not on you; that's just bad search functionality.
And it also turned up another poster who evidently had the exact same question as you, at nearly the exact same time. ?
So now I'm actually curious, if you'll entertain this question:
Where'd that image come from, that two people are posting up here at nearly the exact same time?
My reply was also just having fun with our user names.
Thank you!
But I've very curious, where did this specific image, which you and another poster posted at nearly the same time, come from?
I actually just New Posted about it, but if you've got the answer, that'd head off any unnecessary discussion of it.
I would assume the original content came from u/ghost_of_aswartz/ As I saw it while refreshing new on To which I then validated the results by performing the search on Google myself.
The State of the Union, my fellow Americans... is ?SPICY?!
Can you hear the thunder?