And so your point is. Let the device make you look like a better speller ? I mean I can't stand texts that use stuff like " how r u ?" I have seen that here. So I guess they should use spell check
I believe and it's my opinion's the content that's important
Now I'd he wants to correct it and start a new one ..that's great. If people want to just share it ..that's good too
That time was before SPELLCHECK existed on every single device.
And so your point is. Let the device make you look like a better speller ? I mean I can't stand texts that use stuff like " how r u ?" I have seen that here. So I guess they should use spell check I believe and it's my opinion's the content that's important Now I'd he wants to correct it and start a new one ..that's great. If people want to just share it ..that's good too