I keep hearing that the real Bidet hasn't been seen in public for quite some time now. Possibly even incarcerated somewhere. I'm personally convinced PedoJoe has been taken backstage.
Sooooo... what about the actors and body doubles currently playing Bidet? Are they on OUR side? Were they picked by Trump's team specifically for this job? Or are they just leftover actors/body doubles who worked for Bidet and now act as puppets and do whatever they are told to do?
Thots, anyone?
Don't know really, but with Piglosi and Harris openly asking for nuke football access and a council of decision makers that can't be removed, IF this Biden isn't the real one AND he's really secretly working under Trump's bidding, it makes sense that those two would be "asking" for that access in order to keep progressing [their] plans of getting us into a hot war with Chyna/Iran or even Russia, while also effectively removing Trump from any decision making process