It's sickening, really. I'm sure I'm not one of the only ones of Gen Z who browses these boards, among others, but it's difficult not to start dooming. Our schools are putting up plexiglass between desks, our teachers parrot the state-approved propaganda, most things are closed here or require us to "socially distance," so mostly everyone spends their time force feeding whatever self-destructive narratives are being pushed through pop culture and social media.
If that's not enough, the few people who do understand bullshit is going on don't think much of it because there's so much apathy in Gen Z and people don't really understand that we're living in a time where mass catastrophe is completely possible. They can't fathom it, because of how good we really have it, but everyone has been forced into lockstep with this sort of savior complex, following the whole "being oppressed, anti-white" dogma because they think that it puts them on some sort of moral pedastal. They teach things in the classroom masked as apolitical then tell us we need to identify with it so we can "find out who we are" and fight for justice. Most just care about what rappers are getting out of jail, how many attention points they can fit into their basket, or are ripping their hair out and screaming at the sky because they can't figure out which fucking gender they are, or some bullshit like that. More boys are being demasculinated and are directionless and disenfranchised in terms of growing up to be men, more of the girls are running to OnlyFans as soon as they can and feel entitled to acting promiscuos, which is being encouraged ontinuously.
It feels like I'm in NPC Headquarters. The only thing that's been keeping me sane besides trying to educate myself with books or exercise. I don't really know how long that'll last.
The people who rule us have actually fucked up by turning the youth into such cynical, apathetic, amoral, narcissistic, degenerate sociopaths. And the reason is... the Holocaust. The kids today are completely callous to the Holocaust, so the Holocaust no longer provides any of the protection against criticism of our rulers that it used to. I don’t think the Millennials give a fuck about the Holocaust and Gen Z just laughs at it. They think it’s hilarious as fuck. Some school screened Schindler’s List for kids and they all laughed at the murder scenes like it was a comedy. Spielberg got so offended he flew in to the school to lecture them on why they all needed to feel guilty about the Holocaust. But in the kid’s eyes, that probably just made it even funnier, watching this try-hard Hollywood dork desperately trying to convince them how important his gay little movie is.
Our rulers think they are winning because they have turned the blacks against the whites and are trying to start a race war, presumably because they think they will be able to exploit both sides and make cash off it. But to do this they have had to mentally destroy the youth. And in doing so they have produced a generation that now laughs at the Holocaust. This means as far as the kids are concerned, our rulers are white. They certainly look “white enough”. So when the cattle cars come and Seth Rogen pleads with them, “But I’m a Jew!” they aren’t gonna fucking care. “Get in the cattle car, honky. You look like a honky to me.” And when Seth Rogen says, “But what about the Holocaust!” they are gonna stare at him blankly with no idea what he is even talking about. “You mean that Spielberg movie? That movie was so boring. Not enough twerking.”
I think our rulers are secretly mortified by what they’ve done. They actually thought they were going to be able to turn the youth into sociopaths, turn them against their families, their faith, their community, and thousands of years of established morality, but somehow the sanctity of the Holocaust was going to continue? Uh, no. Kids think that shit is hilarious. Ditto with 9/11. All that patriotic rah rah bullshit the NeoCons got out of 9/11? That is gone too. That magic spell is over. They try to gin up a war in Syria, but these Gen Z kids don’t care. Show them videos of babies in a chemical attack and it’s hilarious to them. They want to turn it into a Tik Tok and add some hip hop and some twerking. All of these magic spells of war, guilt, and submission - they all depend on morality, but morality is what our rulers have intentionally eroded, so I think they might have actually fucked themselves. The whole world is fucked too, so it’s not a win, but if it also backfires on the people behind it, that at least shows they aren’t in total control.