Do you mean Twisted Sister - Dee Snider maybe? I see the resemblance, but even he wasn't THIS ugly!! I mean really - who does he think he's kidding? Like we're supposed to look at that and think, yeah, that's a chick. ????? I bet he'll piss in your face and tell you it's raining too (and he can - cuz he has a penis - cuz he's a DUDE!!!!) I don't know why this guy gets me so flustered, but hell will freeze over before I ever refer to that as a female. There's just no way.
Isn’t that the dude from Quiet Riot?! Awesome!
Do you mean Twisted Sister - Dee Snider maybe? I see the resemblance, but even he wasn't THIS ugly!! I mean really - who does he think he's kidding? Like we're supposed to look at that and think, yeah, that's a chick. ????? I bet he'll piss in your face and tell you it's raining too (and he can - cuz he has a penis - cuz he's a DUDE!!!!) I don't know why this guy gets me so flustered, but hell will freeze over before I ever refer to that as a female. There's just no way.
You’re right. My bad!