907 Another one bites the dust!!! Rot in Hell you Piece of Shit! (media.greatawakening.win) WINS OF THE DAY posted 3 years ago by StickToThePlan 3 years ago by StickToThePlan +908 / -1 178 comments download share 178 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
This Is The Way.
How can you be married to a guy who hangs around little girls in tights and not suspect it. The women are often as complicit or more than the men.
Thank you for bringing this up. In this dark world, everything seems to be related
Thanks Patriot, Her Wiki page is suspect. I tried to post it here but got the 404 code. They have 3 children also which is tragic.
The women are often the handlers.
Probably trying to earn their way into the pedos' hearts by feeding them through their stomachs.