- Got in a Facebook fight with a family member who said my brother’s post warning people against the Covid vaccine was endangering lives. Which I then promptly informed her that encouraging a vaccine that was known to cause serious side effects and even death not to mention God knows what long term effects was in fact endangering people.
- Parked in a shopping center where they just so happen to have opened a Covid vaccination Center and overheard a woman in the car next to me loudly complaining to someone on the phone. Apparently she just went in to get her second shot and was told she couldn’t get it. She said they told her since she had such adverse reactions from the first shot (which she stated involved a hospital stay), she couldn’t get the second. She was loudly proclaiming how disappointing she was she couldn’t get the second vaccination. It was like she had some self Munchausen mental condition with her need to sacrifice her health to receive her Covid Vaccination sycophant badge. All to receive a vaccination which doesn’t 100% prevent catching that horrendous virus that has a 99% survival rate.
Are you kidding me? I’m seriously thinking these people pledging allegiance to this vaccine suffer from mental illness....
You would be correct.
We are dealing with mass hysteria. And folie a deux. F.a.d. is a a delusion shared by 2 OR MORE people.