After my last post asking for advice was such a success (seriously I got so many good points, I managed to get myself to a very peaceful place very quickly) I thought I'd again ask for your view points.
Why do some people wake up and others don't? Why are so few people driven to find the truth? I find myself thinking this everyday when I go get coffee. I live in a city of 1.2 million people. In the last year the number of people I've seen outside without a mask can be counted on one hand. I'm the only one.
At first the dumbfounded stairs shocked me, then it amused me, no I just smile politely before they quickly look away.
Are korean people just supremely cucked (I'm not korean fyi).
Give me your whackiest thoughts.
Edit : Link to my previous post. There is some seriously good advice to those feeling overwhelmed
A good suggestion, sadly 99% of the people I see on a day to day business won't be able to understand them.
I do think the Korean populace is at a massive disadvantage in that all the info they receive is first filtered through their language and their alternate version of the internet before it reaches them. A miniscule minority of them will be able to find the info in English and understand it. Even fewer would have that desire.
"Those of us who are blessed with the knowledge of alternative avenues for discussion are at an advantage. We are able to talk about the inanity of masks rules and strengthen each other's resolve. Imagine how confused and frightened you would be if the only sources of information you had available were continuously dooming on you. All of this is deliberate on the part of TPTB. This is psychological warfare."
That's just the thing, it's not that we are randomly blessed though. We went looking and searching and somehow ended up here, because we want to know the truth, no matter how ugly.
GThe point you bring up about the language barrier is HUGE. I face the same problems with the large hispanic population around me. Luckily wifey is fluent and we've had some good interactions as a result. Maybe if you keep yourself open to things you'll run into some Koreans who can act as interpreters for your info. You'd be doing God's work.
Re: blessing
I view it as we are literally blessed with the gift of an exceptional mind. And it's becoming more obvious to me as each day passes that those of us with this gift are OBLIGATED to weaponize it for the good of our brothers and sisters. I understand the chicken and the egg paradox, and you're right we do have to put in the work to reap the rewards. But I also feel if you're intelligent and well researched, it's your obligation to compassionately share the information.
I say this fully aware of my hypocrisy on the subject. I've done a little bit IRL with this info, and have spread the word, but I know with my potential I should really be working to put out a good, index card sized redpill to hand out. And for others to hand out. Another paradox here is the whole Socratic "I know I know nothing" feeling; if I was to do this my own high standards of academic verity would require me to put in quite a lot of fact checking rigor. Ehh, just thinking out loud... Gradually convincing myself. Posts like yours help light a fire under my ass. We shall see. :)