We know the election was a fraud, the inauguration was fake. Trump's term and this election was a giant sting operation to trap all these people. Trump is draining the swamp. Trump would never walk away and allow Biden fuck us. It would be against Trump's oath to protect us against enemies foreign and domestic. He takes the shit very seriously, he has worked every day since elected to make this country the best it can be. He would not let it all go to waste. Behind the scenes Trump is still in charge of the military. The military has not respected Biden nor gave him the time of day.
https://www.congress.gov/116/plaws/publ121/PLAW-116publ121.pdf PRESIDENTIAL TRANSITION ENHANCEMENT section 2 President Trump maintains control of the military up to 60 days after the inauguration.
We know the election was a fraud, the inauguration was fake. Trump's term and this election was a giant sting operation to trap all these people. Trump is draining the swamp. Trump would never walk away and allow Biden fuck us. It would be against Trump's oath to protect us against enemies foreign and domestic. He takes the shit very seriously, he has worked every day since elected to make this country the best it can be. He would not let it all go to waste. Behind the scenes Trump is still in charge of the military. The military has not respected Biden nor gave him the time of day.