Would it be wise to invest into silver even though one might not have much to invest with? Thanks in advance.
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I have no idea what the market adjustment will be, i.e. what the real buying power of 1oz of any PM will be. I am just saying (in response to you specifically) that the debt value is mostly meaningless. What I am sure of, is its buying power will be a whole lot more than it is now.
My best guess would be that a new currency paper (with a crypto component - blockchain = yes) will be introduced as gold/silver backed. There will be a window where regular notes get pulled from the system and replaced with the new. However, what value will be determined for said currency? This is where gold and silver could really see their day.
I also think we will get a new currency that is PM backed crypto. I don't know if there will be a need for a paper component. Crypto has all that is necessary for a full currency, including complete privacy of transactions and no tracking (even better than paper) if it is designed that way.
I don't know how much it will be worth when the dust settles. How much real buying power does 1oz of Ag have e.g.? It depends on how much there is in total (it will almost certainly become the standard not just in America, but across the planet), and how in demand it is for tech. Currently tech demand is very high, but there may be new hidden technologies that decrease (or increase?) its tech value. It's really impossible to say.
I'd say the most important factor is that all PMs are a limited resource. Someday they will become less limited when we start off-planet mining, but they are still ultimately limited and there is a substantial energy and resource expenditure for such mining.
Paper is still important. What happens when the power goes out, like recently half of the midwest?
But yes, a NEW horizon is upon us. Gold/Silver is REAL $$. I hope we get back to that standard and having a crypto option would be great.
This could be the biggest thing for the lower class in a hundred years.