398 This awful production we’re watching comes to an end next week. You know it. I know it. It WILL happen! (media.greatawakening.win) posted 4 years ago by bob64678857894 4 years ago by bob64678857894 +401 / -3 107 comments download share 107 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Not with direct sun, but at the time of the switching light, the first photo of which isn't very strong, light was being filtered through clouds - indirect. Hard to say. I'm not dismissing, just saying there are a lot of factors involved.
Clouds don’t change the direction at which the light is incoming from.
They block light from the direction of the source, though, giving ambient light or light reflected from elsewhere a more pronounced effect.
To add on: the change in light would change the exposure of the camera making ambient light appear much brighter