posted ago by The_Greeatship_Pilot ago by The_Greeatship_Pilot +34 / -0

I have been thinking about it, and as I look at the real numbers and the shenanigans surrounding this “pandemic,” it seems to me that the covid virus they* created (with pre-existing patents for vaccines) was a colossal failure. Although it killed some people, it wasn’t anywhere close to being as virulent as they hoped, so they had to do all sorts of things to make it seem like a modern plague in order to save their plan. (*I will not define who “they” are because their identities should now be abundantly clear to anyone who has awakened to the truth about the world.)

It’s just like what happened in the 2020 election, when Trump voters completely overwhelmed the cheating in every way, and they had to stop the count in key states to pump up the numbers for Biden. Both efforts are examples of scrambling to save a plan that has failed, which only worked to make obvious what happened in spite of the vast dis-informational machinery employed to keep the public fooled—the lies, obfuscation, and censorship of the MSM, the CDC, the WHO, the CPP, big tech, big business, big pharma, and big social media.

I think God nuked the covid virus itself at the beginning to expose them, just like He nuked the vote with the massive participation of patriots, in both cases forcing them into making stupid obvious moves that only compounded their guilt. They are being manipulated by Heaven, and they don’t even know it. They also can do nothing to fight it, and they are not going to win this time. The patterns I have seen in everything since Trump’s first election confirm to me that these wicked people have God’s special attention, and I believe we will be satisfied with justice in the end. It is written that if God is for you, who can be against you? The converse of this must also be considered: If God is against you, who can be for you? These people are going down, and they will largely be doing it to themselves without being able to understand what is happening.