Pulled this plot from a recent Hillsdale College talk, by William Happer (Physics Professor Emeritus, Princeton University).
Basically, doubling or tripling the present-day atmospheric CO2 concentration would have little effect on heating the Earth (which depends on the balance of the heating and cooling rates for the planet).
The measures proposed by politicians and elites to reduce CO2 emissions is nowhere near worth it, and this can be shown scientifically.
He goes as far to state that we ought not to limit any CO2 emissions, and, that this would actually help the environment.
Skip to about 24mins of this YouTube video to hear him give the (longer) explanation of this plot:
Lots of interesting facts about Earth's climate, its' relation to plant life, and so forth.
A few other highlights: (1) climate modelling consistently over-predicts the amount of heating that the rise of green house gasses will produce by a factor of 2-3 (he shows the theoretical model predictions vs. empirical data to back this up), and, (2) plant life actually does significantly better when there is 2-3x more CO2 in the atmosphere.
Pulled this plot from a recent Hillsdale College talk, by William Happer (Physics Professor Emeritus, Princeton University).
Basically, doubling or tripling the present-day atmospheric CO2 concentration would have little effect on heating the Earth (which depends on the balance of the heating and cooling rates for the planet).
The measures proposed by politicians and elites to reduce CO2 emissions is nowhere near worth it, and this can be shown scientifically.
He goes as far to state that we ought not to limit any CO2 emissions, and, that this would actually help the environment.
Skip to about 24mins of this YouTube video to hear him give the (longer) explanation of this plot:
It's a talk worth watching.
Lots of interesting facts about Earth's climate, its' relation to plant life, and so forth.
A few other highlights: (1) climate modelling consistently over-predicts the amount of heating that the rise of green house gasses will produce by a factor of 2-3 (he shows the theoretical model predictions vs. empirical data to back this up), and, (2) plant life actually does significantly better when there is 2-3x more CO2 in the atmosphere.