The recent little truths by the msm ( i.e. cuomo ) are nice yes, but we should not praise them in any way whatsoever.
Some see this as a good thing and I see that angle, because lefties are in dire need of truth. However to give them ANY praise or clicks just gives them credibility. Don't do it. It actively negates a lot of what we have been doing over the last 4+ years right ?
Many of us have been trying to get the sheep to cut the msm heroin for ages, even pre Trump, because all they've done is lie. Now all of sudden we are to praise or link to them ? I don't think so. They will go right back to lying in the same week.
By giving them any credit we are also indirectly confirming to the sheep that all other truths we were trying to deliver over 4+ years were wrong, cuz msm was saying opposite us.
We can't stop what happens at china news, but we can STILL actively try to destroy them. I thought we might want to discuss this now in case msm dropping truths becomes a thing.
How do u guys feel about seeing much of the shit u went thru to fight these bastards essentially get negated, cancelled out, or at least diluted ?
The media is nothing but a tool for control. If they’re reporting on Cuomo it’s to frame the story, minimize it, deflect from it, and develop a narrative. They did this with Epstein pedo island. They drag it out just long enough until 90% of the population loses interest. If they absolutely have to, they’ll throw someone under the bus to protect the system, but that’s a last resort.