This is what I've asked before, though nobody had an answer. His first suggestion was that we the people demand the military declare the election null and void. Okay, so we somehow do that. What then is the process? Someone here must be a constitutionalist who can answer that question. Which branch of the military? Who is in charge? Who makes the actual call to declare the election fraudulent? There must be a process (though never having been used before). I would like to understand the mechanics of how it would work.
This is what I've asked before, though nobody had an answer. His first suggestion was that we the people demand the military declare the election null and void. Okay, so we somehow do that. What then is the process? Someone here must be a constitutionalist who can answer that question. Which branch of the military? Who is in charge? Who makes the actual call to declare the election fraudulent? There must be a process (though never having been used before). I would like to understand the mechanics of how it would work.